Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics Probability Theory and Statistics
Abstract (croatian)
Ovaj fakultetski udžbenik prati nastavni plan i program kolegija Statistika koji se održava na prvoj godini preddiplomskog studija Tekstilna tehnologija i inženjerstvo (TTI) na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu Tekstilno-tehnološkom fakultetu, te kolegija Statistika koji se održava na drugoj godini stručnog studija na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu Tekstilno-tehnološkom fakultetu. Sadržaj je podijeljen u 7 cjelina: Kombinatorika, Vjerojatnost, Deskriptivna statistika, Statistički podaci o dvodimenzionalnom obilježju, Osnovne razdiobe, Procjene parametara i Testiranje statističkih hipoteza.
Abstract (english)
This faculty textbook is written for course Statistics in the first year of undergraduate university study Textile Technology and Engineering at University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology, and course Statistics in the second year of undergraduate professional study Textile, clothing and footwear technology at University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology. Table of Contents is divided in 7 chapters: Combinatorics, Probability, Descriptive statistics, Two-dimensional statistical analysis, Basic distributions, Point estimations and confidence intervals and Testing statistical hypothesis.