Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
Abstract (croatian)
Ovaj fakultetski e-udžbenik namijenjen je studentima diplomskog studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Tekstilno-tehnološkog fakulteta. Obuhvaća gradivo cjelokupnog nastavnog plana i programa kolegija Matematika II koji se održava na prvoj godini diplomskog studija Tekstilna tehnologija i inženjerstvo (TTI). Udžbenik se sastoji od pet poglavlja: Vektori, Analitička geometrija prostora, Redovi, Funkcije dviju varijabli i Diferencijalne jednadžbe. Sadrži detaljna tekstualna objašnjenja pojmova koji se uvode te je upotpunjen mnogim crtežima. Gradivu se pristupa na pristupačan način, bez strogih matematičkih dokaza. U svakoj cjelini ukratko je objašnjena teorija te su detaljno riješeni svi zadaci koji se obrađuju na nastavi kolegija Matematika II. Uvršteni su i dodatni riješeni zadaci kako bi studenti što lakše mogli svladati navedeno gradivo. Na kraju svakog poglavlja nalaze se zadaci za samostalnu vježbu i njihova rješenja. Na kraju udžbenika nalazi se indeks pojmova te popis korištene literature.
Abstract (english)
This university e-textbook is intended for students of the Master's degree program at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology. It covers the entire curriculum of the Mathematics II course, which is taught in the first year of the Master's program in Textile Technology and Engineering (TTE). The textbook consists of five chapters: Vectors, Analytic Geometry of Space, Series, Functions of Two Variables, and Differential Equations. It includes detailed textual explanations of the concepts introduced, along with many illustrations. The material is presented in an accessible manner, without rigorous mathematical proofs. Each section briefly explains the theory, and all problems covered in the Mathematics II course are solved in detail. Additional solved exercises are included to help students master the material more easily. At the end of each chapter, there are exercises for independent practice and their solutions. The textbook concludes with an index of terms and a list of referenced literature.